Sunday, April 03, 2005

Farewell, My Father

Setelah semaleman gue 'n hubby mantengin CNN sampe subuh finally the sad news came ..The Pope passed away on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 9:37 p.m. in Rome or 2:37 p.m. Eastern Time. Sayang pada saat diumumkan di CNN gue 'n hubby udah ketiduran dan baru tau paginya (Sunday Morning - Jakarta).

Seperti yang gue kutip dari ucapan President Bush,"The Catholic Church has lost its shepherd...The world has lost a champion of human freedom, and a good and faithful servant of God has been called home."

Berita ini membuat suatu corner dalam hati gue terkoyak as if our father has died. There is a deep sense of loss and emptiness but knowing that his passing was a peaceful one, membuat hati gue tenang kembali. Seperti yang disebutkan dalam official statement dari Vatican bahwa"The Holy Father's final hours were marked by the uninterrupted prayer of all those who were assisting him in his pious death and by the choral participation in prayer of the thousands of faithful who for many hours had been gathered in Saint Peter's Square," maka gue yakin bahwa he will Rest in Peace.

Diharapkan dalam 20 hari mendatang, the next Pope will be elected but for now I would like to say Farewell..My father...Your journey had finally come to an end but your legacy will stay among us...


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Rea Yohannes said...

true..., indeed...

At 9:12 AM, Blogger only if . . . said...

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At 9:13 AM, Blogger only if . . . said...

Farewell, Pope. Daku turut berduka cita :(

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mon, gue juga sediiih bgt pas tau Pope dah passed away...sayang jauh di Rome, kalo deket2 sih gue udah terbang kali ke funeralnya....


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