Friday, February 04, 2005

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Are they??)

Years ago when I first read the book, I was quite surprised. The first thing that came to my mind was, " Whoa..he makes money just by laying out the difference between men and women???" Then, I found myself laughing to tears 'coz I think that the Martian is simply like my husband and the Venusian is me!!! I understand why John Gray's book was a bestseller..doesn't mean I like the book though just think he's good in term of knowing what actually people want to read (that what we call a very lucky guy). Somehow the audience can relate to the book, they feel like it represents them in words.

As what have been written by John Gray "Men are more likely to use language to accomplish the job at hand than to nourish relationships... traditionally, female speech often contains statements of sympathy and empathy. Men as individuals who give importance to power, competency, efficiency and achievement; while women are often regarded as more focused on issues of love, communication, beauty and relationships."

When this book was first published, many people reacted differently..some said "Yeah..yeah now I know why my husband or boyfriend is so different, no wonder he's acting that way", while others said" That's not completely true, women are not so much different from men." For me, so what if I'm different from my husband..I love being able to spend hours and hours on the phone... I love being able to cry over an argument...I love being able to carry a a blunt way, I love myself being a woman. With all the differences that we have it makes life more colorful. Can you imagine if you and your partner are truly the same? Don't you think it's kinda weird if you can read each other mind and react the same way to every aspect of life?

As well as I love being a woman, I love my husband being the man in the relationship. Although sometimes we argue over things..I think he's too ignorant and he thinks I'm overreacting but hey...that's the beauty of life.....none can say being a man is better than a woman (except my husband since he's such a sexist) or the other way around. But above all I believe in equality, regardless of every sex you are, you should have the same right in term of education, job opportunity, health benefit etc.

And I couldn't agree more than what Kevin B. Burk wrote: "It's true that men tend to be more in touch with the more "masculine" or yang aspects, while women tend to be more in touch with the more "feminine" or yin aspects. But not being aware of or familiar with our complimentary nature doesn't mean that we can't learn about it and express it. This, in fact, is the reason that men and women form relationships with each other. Our partners are our mirrors, and when men and women relate to each other--whether that relationship is sexual or not--what we see reflected is our complimentary nature. We see the parts of ourselves that we haven't integrated or owned yet. And through our relationships with the opposite gender, we learn how to connect with and own these parts of ourselves, and experience true balance. We need to learn to acknowledge, accept and embrace these two complimentary natures. We each have both Mars and Venus within us, and we need to learn how to appreciate and express them both."

Have a nice weekend!!!!!


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