Monday, February 07, 2005

Sweet Word

Went to a wedding on saturday night, pas di tengah-tengah bestman kasih speech for the bride 'n groom. I've been to lots of weddings tapi jarang ada speech yang 'touchy'. Bestman dan groom kenalan waktu di New York dan kebetulan both are runners jadi mereka ikut New York Marathon ect. What he said was, "He used to be my running partner in marathon but now he's her running partner in the Marathon of Love". Maybe for certain people it sounds cheesy but somehow, been said at the right time 'n's so sweet. Such a short sentence but has a deep meaning. As far as I know, when guys bonded... it lasts forever. Lihat aja deh, cowo kalo udah janji ama temen pasti deh apa juga dibelain-belain..pacar aja kalah. So, seeing a friend saying things like that kesannya jadi gemana gitu....apa maybe gue yang terlalu melankolis? Maybe yes..maybe not...maybe....


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