Laugh is a good sport
Haven't been to the gym for the past 2 years. Why? Alasan pertama (dan klise): gag ada waktu. Alasan Kedua (dan betul): males. So, daripada gag sport sama sekali gue decided for the past few weeks untuk baca baca buku humor.....coz Laugh is a good sport!!! And they even say that Laughter is the best medicine of all.
Some of the books that I read (and love):
Editorial Reviews (A Year in the merde)
From Publishers Weekly: Take a self-assured Brit with an eye for the ladies, drop him in the middle of Paris with a tenuous grasp of the language and you have Clarke's alter ego, Paul West, who combines the gaffes of Bridget Jones with the boldness of James Bond. Hired to oversee the creation of a French chain of British tearooms, Clarke, aka West, spends nine months—the equivalent of a French business year—stumbling his way through office politics à la française. Clarke's sharp eye for detail and relentless wit make even the most quotidian task seem surreal, from ordering a cup of coffee to picking up a loaf of bread at the boulangerie. Luck is by West's side as he moves into a stunning apartment (with his boss's attractive daughter), but he has to be careful where he steps, as he finds he "began to branch out from literal to metaphorical encounters of the turd kind." Between conspiring colleagues, numerous sexual escapades (he deems French porn "unsexy" since "Being French, they had to talk endlessly before they got down to action") and simply trying to order a normal-sized glass of beer, West quickly learns essential tricks to help him keep his head above the Seine. Originally self-published in Paris, Clarke's first book in a soon-to-be-series is funny and well-written enough to appeal to an audience beyond just Francophiles. Agent, Susanna Lea at Susanna Lea Associates. (May)
From Publishers Weekly: Take a self-assured Brit with an eye for the ladies, drop him in the middle of Paris with a tenuous grasp of the language and you have Clarke's alter ego, Paul West, who combines the gaffes of Bridget Jones with the boldness of James Bond. Hired to oversee the creation of a French chain of British tearooms, Clarke, aka West, spends nine months—the equivalent of a French business year—stumbling his way through office politics à la française. Clarke's sharp eye for detail and relentless wit make even the most quotidian task seem surreal, from ordering a cup of coffee to picking up a loaf of bread at the boulangerie. Luck is by West's side as he moves into a stunning apartment (with his boss's attractive daughter), but he has to be careful where he steps, as he finds he "began to branch out from literal to metaphorical encounters of the turd kind." Between conspiring colleagues, numerous sexual escapades (he deems French porn "unsexy" since "Being French, they had to talk endlessly before they got down to action") and simply trying to order a normal-sized glass of beer, West quickly learns essential tricks to help him keep his head above the Seine. Originally self-published in Paris, Clarke's first book in a soon-to-be-series is funny and well-written enough to appeal to an audience beyond just Francophiles. Agent, Susanna Lea at Susanna Lea Associates. (May)
Synopsis (Merde actually)
A year after arriving in France, Englishman Paul West is still struggling with some fundamental questions. What is the best way to scare a gendarme? Why do French job applicants put sexually transmitted diseases on their CVs? Why are there no public health warnings on French nudist beaches? And how do you cope with a plague of courgettes? Paul also mutates (temporarily) into a Parisian waiter; samples the pleasures of typically French hotel-room afternoons; and, on a return visit to the UK, sees the full horror of a British office party through Parisian eyes. Meanwhile, he continues his search for the perfect French mademolselle. But will Paul find l'amour eternel, or will it all end in merde?
Sumpah deh, pas baca buku yang A year in the merde, gue udah nangis's so hilarious. And although the sequel, Merde actually gag selucu sebelumnya you'll still find something hilarious. And for you who've been to France and able to speak French, I must warn you: Never read this at public place such as library or they'll throw you out for laughing out loud.
Anyway, I do hope that you're as amused as I'm when you got the chance to read these books. Now, Je dois vous dire au revoir!!!
Wow ... Mon .. makasih banget udah share ini buku. Gw paling seneng deh novel tentang Prancis. Novel2 dari Peter Mayle juga lucu tuuuh ... sama ceritanya, tentang englishman yg tinggal di provence, prancis.
Ampun deh Mon, gue pake bloglines liat tulisan lo tuh piyik2 banget, jadi yg langsugn keliatan tuh judul bukunya ampe kaget, kenapa nih buku ampe merde merde? hihii Gue bisa tanya nih ma Santi beli gak ya dia, khan gue bisa minjem hihii
Mon, kalo olahraga lo kayak gini ok juga Mon, gue ikutan deh ya ;)
Mon .. payah dah .. itu buku2 karangan Peter Clarke ngga ada masa di libraries suburb chicago ... nyebelin.
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