What Kind of Peanut Are you
You Are A Peanut |
You are popular, even with people who tend to have picky taste. Kids love you, as do dogs. From rednecks to snobs, most people have a place for you in their hearts. As popular as you are, there are some people who can't be near you. Don't take it too personally. There's just a few people you rub the wrong way. |
Dapet link dari Eliza, yah itung itung buat pembuka posting posting selanjutnya..hi..hi..hi...
eh, elo ngapdet pake nuts toh? mon, kirim dong email elo yg baru, yg lama udah gak bisa dipake ya? gue mau chat2 kagak bisa wuahahah...
monce apa kabar loe?
gue cashew tuh sama kek si eliza....
mo liat foto2nya angelsmu...apdet dong....
iki piye? kok updatenya dikit banget...kapan besuo lagi nih...pingin liat adik bayiiii
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