Man's Best Friend
Kalau kita pas baca judul diatas langsung deh kita kebayang with a pet we called dog. Sudah dari jaman bahulea kalo doggie itu merupakan salah satu hewan yang multi-function, contohnya bisa diajak hunting, jaga rumah, kerja di farm and last but not least juga sebagai teman kita. Meskipun mereka 'gak bisa ngomong tapi we can see the emotion yang ada, misalnya wagging their tail if they're happy or growling if they're unhappy.
Kebanyakan dari keluarga gue pasti punya doggie, mulai dari yang jenis herder, golden retriever sampe pekingese. Sama juga dengan keluarga suami gue, pasti kebanyakan dog-lover-family too malahan dulu suami gue juga pelihara dobermann *pantesan pas gede sama galaknya* even sampai sekarang masih ada tuh 3 doggie di tempat mertua: dalmatian, pekingese dan chihuahua. Adik gue pun demen anjing ampe dulu pelihara rottweiler *untung rottweiler gue playful banget kayak yang nulis :P* ..kalo di tanya gue demen apa enggak, jawaban gue pasti "gue takut ama anjing!!!" mau sekecil apapun tetep aja gue ngeri...for me even dog puppies pun bisa bikin gue gemeter (agak bombastis 'gak sih?). Soale pas kecil gue pernah tuh di kejer kejer doggie-nya tetangga ampe gue nyemplung ke got jadi sejak itu selalu sigap kalo liat doggie.
Kebetulan ada cousin gue yang bener bener truly in love with dog, dari kecil mereka pasti punya doggie. Gue inget banget pas kebetulan gue kesana mo ngucapin happy bday buat dia, eh hari itu doggie-nya meninggal..yang ada bertangis tangisan ria lah. Sampe udah kuliah, kerja dan married pun pasti mereka punya doggie..tidur pun doggie juga ikut dikelonin.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, cousin gue di US mengalami the hardest time of her life. Dia harus memutuskan untuk put her dog, Zoe to sleep karena kena kidney failure yang parah, bolak balik musti ke pet hospital untuk di rawat sampe terakhir cousin gue musti kasih fluid therapy ke dia dengan nyuntikin doggie-nya tiap hari. Melihat penderitaan-nya akhirnya sodara gue dengan berat hati mengambil keputusan was very hard and painful decision considering the dog had been with her for 6 years dan selama itu pula the dog had been her true companion. So pas denger berita itu, gue betul 2x ikut sedih apalagi waktu ngebaca part of her story "I don't expect everybody to understand how I feel, because only a true dog person would understand. He was my other baby. I cared for him since he was three weeks old, fed him, bathed him, walked him, played with him, slept with him. I truly believe that how deeply hurt my feelings for his loss is directly related to how special and strong our relationship was....He won't be here with me again but he'll always be in my heart. I gave him a piece of my heart a long time ago without me realizing it, I know this now because when he died that piece of my heart dies with him. I know we will meet again when the time comes, in heaven. I just hope when I die I go to heaven..=) because I truly believe all dogs go to heaven!!"
Jujur, gue ikut menitikkan air mata waktu gue ngebaca hal itu..soale gue udah melihat disekeliling gue gimana special bond between man and his's so pure and bener 2x unconditional love...dan gue pun pernah harus mengambil decision itu pula dengan put the rottweiler to sleep due to colon cancer. So, today I really dedicate this page for ZOE - the most chubbiest, nicest and friendliest Shih Tzu heart and prayers are with you....
Berikut ini adalah poem yang khusus di sampaikan oleh cousin gue untuk mengenang Zoe and it goes like this:
--The Last Battle --
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this - the last battle - can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me until the end.
And hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close - we two - these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Gue dulu paling takut ama anjing.. takut diterkam :D
Tapi berhub. ibu mertua & adek ipar gue punya anjing banyak, jd terbiasa sekrg. Dulu kesenggol puppies aja jerit-jerit.. hehe..
Aku super takut anjing..
Apalagi yang lepas bebas..
bingung gua sama anjing..
akrab ngamplok
musuhan ngamplok juga
tapi aku ama anjing kosku udah in peace kok..
nggak akrab, nggak musuhan..
jadi kalo ketemua saling cuweks.. begitu.., susah tuh mencapai state itu sama anjing.. harus pas.., jgn nggak kenal (bisa dijegogi) tp jgn jg terlalu akrab.. :)
Hi Michelle,
Gue pribadi ngerti kok perasaan elo. Gue sih gak besar dengan any kind of pet. Tapi sempet melihara kucing gara2 hubby pecinta kucing & nangis 3 hari 3 malem sewaktu kucing gue tsb hilang. Kepikiran siapa yang ngurusin & apakah doi baik2 aja. Inget semua kenangan selama dia nemenin gue sendirian pas lg hamil & kesepian. Jd dah kyk anak gue aja.. :(
A pet may come to symbolize many things to each of us. It may represent a child, perhaps a child yet to be conceived or the innocent child in us all. It may reflect the ideal mate or parent, ever faithful, patient and welcoming, loving us unconditionally. It is a playmate and a sibling. It is a reflection of ourselves, embodying negative and positive qualities we recognize or lack in ourselves. The same pet may be all of these, alternating between roles on any given day or for each member of the family.
Zoe may not be physically here but I believe that he will always be at your side, guarding you now and then. So, below is a poem for you, Lis..hope this will ease your pain.
Remember Our Love
I was chosen today
I'm learning to fly
the world took me away,
but please don't you cry
And I chose you today
to try and be strong
so please don't you cry
and don't say that I'm gone
When you're feeling alone
just remember our love,
I'm up near the stars
looking down from above.
Remember our love
In a moment you'll see
that I'm still here beside you
when you're thinking of me.
--Julie Epp--
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