Thursday, April 27, 2006


There are days where you think that your job is sucks, your life is boring, your marriage life is so so..but then if you look at people around you then you start to think, "hey my life isn't so bad afterall"

Those kind of feeling sih menurut gue wajar aja, that makes us human.. Ingat kata pepatah, diatas langit masih ada langit. Betul khan...

Gue sendiri pernah berpikiran seperti itu, tapi gue rasa setiap orang pun pasti pernah lah kepikiran hal seperti itu. Gue kok rada gag percaya yah, kalo sampe ada orang yang ngaku oh gag pernah tuh. Jadi mikir, apakah segitu fake-nya? But anyway, balik lagi lah gimana kita menyikapi perasaan 'gila' pada saat muncul. Kalo gue paling yah menyikapi dengan realistis aja, nobody can have everything. Kalo memang berasa job is sucks then you better start finding a new challenge. Hidup terasa membosankan, oohh c'mon people srat up your happy..cari sesuatu yang bikin adrenalin kita rush lagi (asal jangan cari selingkuhan :P). Marriage life so so..then cari waktu buat berduaan, even just for a movie date.

Siapa bilang hidup itu mudah, life is full of surprises. Kita gag akan pernah tahu kalo kita tidak mencoba untuk be merry and be happy. Start having positive helps!!! Be content with yourself. And last, be grateful atas semua yang kita miliki. You never know how much you miss it until it's gone.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wiki meme

Got this from Thalia, itung-itung penyegaran di saat sibuk seperti ini. Silahkan yang mo menyambung di blog-nya masing masing.

Go to Wikipedia and look up your birthday (excluding the year). List three neat facts, two births and one death in your journal,including the year.

June 24 is the 175th day of the year (176th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar, with 190 days remaining.

1374 - A sudden outbreak of St. John's Dance causes people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapse from exhaustion.
1441 - Eton College founded.
1947 - First known sighting of UFOs: Kenneth Arnold, flying over Washington, notices nine luminous disks in the form of saucers

1386 - Giovanni da Capistrano, Italian saint (d. 1456)
1955 - Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Guru of Siddha Yoga

1398 - Hongwu Emperor of China (b. 1328)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So much to tell much to tell yet so little time i have...

Hiks, sedih lagi banyak kerjaan jadi blog terbengkalai. Duh, moga-moga project di kantor cepat selesai jadi gue bisa update ini blog lagi. But at least gue masih bisa nyuri-nyuri waktu blogwalking ke tempat laen.

I'm doing fine cuman kerjaan aja yang numpuk. Selain bulan ini banyak libur tanggalan merah gue juga lagi involve di satu project di kantor untuk performance management (penting nih buat naek gaji)...he...he..he...this should be done by May ini deh. Moga-moga gag ada molor-nya..wish me luck ya.