Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Bocor, Salon and Dora

Hey folks..how's ur holiday??? Mine was ehem..unique. Kenapa unique? Dimulai dengan kejadian di jumat tgl 23 pas lunch time gue lagi nge-bakso sama temen gue pas tiba-tiba ada telpon dari rumah. Ternyata nyokap ngasih tau kalo Kayla jatuh and dahi-nya berdarah-darah. Di rumah pas ada suami gue karena dia lagi cuti so begitu tau dahinya Kayla bocor langsung first aid dengan es dan handuk. Langsung deh gue suruh Kayla dibawa ke dokter, takut knapa-knapa. Gue juga balik ke kantor and dijemput disana coz dokternya di deket kantor gue. Tadinya gue mo langsung tapi pas mo jalan eh mobil gue pas lewat jadi sekalian deh.

Pas gue naek mobil si kayla lagi tidur and gue liat dahinya memang sobek tapi darahnya udah mulai kering. Bajunya sih ada darahnya, tapi at least sedikit karena udah digantiin baju sebelumnya. Gue tanya gimana kejadiannya and dikasih tau kalo dia lagi lari -lari di garasi dan pas naek ke arah dapur, sandalnya nyangkut and dia jatuh trus dahinya nabrak lantai. Pas jatuh dia masih nangis biasa and pas tiba-tiba darahnya ngucur langsung dia panik and nangis teriak-teriak. Gag mau di gendong sama pembantu atau siapapun. Suami gue pas diatas and langsung turun pas denger Kayla nangis. Pas liat anak-nya berdarah-darah langsung diangkat and nyokap gue kompres dahinya. Saking hot-nya nangis sampe bapaknya --maaf-- dimuntahin.

Back to the story again, pas sampe di health clinic-nya langsung gue kasih tau suster-nya kalo Kayla kepalanya bocor. Thanks God dia tidur sepanjang perjalanan dan sampe dokter masih tidur. Dia baru bangun pas di tidurin di ranjangnya. Bangun sih gag nangis cuman liat-liat aja, eh pas kaki and tangannya dipegangin sama suster, and kita-kita baru deh dia teriak-teriak. Dari kecil memang dia tuh gag seneng kalo ke dokter dipegang kaki and tangannya. Well, tapi rata-rata dokter sini kalo periksa selalu kayak gitu. Kayak mo motong sayur aja pake di pegang atas n bawah.

Suwer deh, pas tau dia jatuh gue kaget tapi masih keep cool. Liat di mobil juga masih gag pa pa, tapi pas denger dia teriak-teriak ngejer di dokter tuh yang namanya jantung pindah ke dengkul deh. Gue gag berani nangis di depan dia soale pasti dia tambah parah nangisnya. But Oh God, your heart like breaks into million pieces seeing her like that and susahnya yah nahan nangis itu. Setelah diperiksa ternyata lukanya gag besar taoi agak dalam sekitar 1 cm wide and 0.3 cm depth-nya. Diputuskan di kasih obat and di plester, soale kalo dijahit juga terlalu kecil (plg cuman 1 jahitan). Setelahnya Kayla masih nangis bentar and digendong terus sama suami gue soale dokter masih ngejelasin beberapa hal sama gue.

Pas sampe dimobil sih dia udah mendingan and tau-tau bilang mau makan. Pas ditanya minta Mc Donald, ya udah deh kita langsung menuju MC. Donald. Gag lama tiba-tiba dia ketawa ketiwi sendiri ngeliat mukanya dia di handphone gue. Nah udah mulai normal neh kliatannya. Bener aja deh 5 menit dah ngoceh-ngoceh as if nothing happened. Trus sampe di di Taman Anggrek, pikiran mo ke Mc Donald bentar and langsung pulang. Baru sampe sana udah bawaannya pingin lari-lari, kit audah sampe triak triak bilangin dia, cuek aja tuh. Langsung deh diangkut sama bapaknya, soale takut jatuh lagi. Sampe Mc Donald langsung ngabisin Burger and Fries, and liat playground dah bawaannya mo ksana aja.

Selesai makan minta keramas di salon khusus anak-anak, soale rambut dia lengket darah semua and dia brasa uncomfortable banget. Duh, ampe pusing deh liat dia banyak maunya gitu. Kita udah worried dia pusing atau lemes. Eh ini malahan pecicilan abis. Ya udah deh sambil rambutnya dikeringin dia udah ngoceh-ngoceh sambil ktawa ktiwi aja.

Pas jalan mo pulang, ternyata di Taman Anggrek ada live show-nya Dora the Explorer. Wah, kalap deh dia gag mau pulang and guess what...langsung lari ke depan panggung and berjingkrak-jingkrak. Suwer deh, gue bingung ama nih anak..gag ada kapoknya deh. Abis berdarah-darah tapi kok gag berasa sakit sama sekali. Padahal dokter udah pesen-pesen ini obat penahan sakit, ini obat biar gag infeksi but tanpa obat penahan sakit tetep aja tuh ceria ceria aja. Tambah pecicilan iya deh but Thanks God that she's OK....gag geger otak or else. Barangkali karena kecil suka kejeduk sana sini akibat asuhan bapaknya so gede gini pas bocor udah kebal yah :D

Yah begitulan cerita singkat saya...see you soon, Ik mau cuti dulu soale. Happy holiday everybody!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas

I have a list of people I know

All written in a book

And every year at Christmastime

I go and take a look

And that is when I realise

That those names are a part

Not of the book they're written in

But of my very heart

For each name stands for someone

Who has crossed my path some time

And in that meeting they've become

A treasured friend of mine

And once you've met some people

The years can not erase

The memory of a pleasant word

Or a friendly face

So when I send a Christmas card

That is addressed to you

It's because you're on that list

Of folk I'm indebted to

And you are one of many folk who

In times past I've met

And happen to be one of those

I don't want to forget

And whether I have known you for

Many years or few

In some way you have a part in

Shaping things I do

This, the spirit of Christmas, that

Forever and ever endures

May it leave it richest blessing

In the hearts of you and yours


--Christmas poem by Anon--

Thursday, December 22, 2005



Month of Joy...



In jakarta, December equals to rain which end up in worst ever traffic jam or sometimes flood. Not to forget, month of coughing and sneezing...he..he..he..Most people in these building are either coughing or sneezing..well it's a bad case of Flu Attack. Same goes to me...been coughing for almost 3 days.

Oh well..better not complain coz Christmas is just around the corner. It's this week, and I haven't done with my Christmas shopping. Can someone send me a sand stopping time please :P

Monday, December 19, 2005


I hate running.


I do.

Well, I know that running is the 'mother' of sport but I suck at running. If you see me in person you will know why. I look hideous when running. BUT don't picture me as one lazy woman who fail her PE (baca: olah raga) class. Back in high school years I'm quite active in sport, in fact I always get minimal 8 for PE. Took volleyball for extracurricular and even join the school team (though mostly sat on the bench :D) not because I suck but because most of the team had been in this team since junior high (excuse....excuse).

During my highschool year, there's one time that we had to run ard 1 km to circle our school block. From the front of my school, to the church, to the road behind, to the gas station and finally back to the school yard. At the sound of the first whistle, the whole class ran like a stampede and just 50 m, I tripped and fell flat on my face !!!! Ok..that would be a good excuse not to run. God seems agree that I really suck at this.

Alas, you know Satan wouldn't allow happiness to mankind so next week our coach told us that I and some friends that was 'too sick' last week have to do a make up session. Oh s_ _ _!!! There wouldn't be any excuse not to run as it'll count to our final grade. No matter how good you're at other sport, still this thing count 25% of your grade. Ouch!!!! Knowing, that there'll be no hope so I just prepared myself for the worst.

So you think I'm gonna fall again??? Ha ha...wrong thinking pal!!! Miracle does happen pal!!

And my miracle for me came in the form of : BAJAJ!!! Yup, after running form abt 100 mtr, a bajaj just passed and I stopped it. Then I told him to take me to the gas station, I even paid double. As you can guess, I got to the gas station first then pretend to jog a while after a few friend passed then SWOOOSSSHHHH, I just ran like a mad woman on loose!!!! And got the the school yard just pretend that I was just won a marathon. With all the panting and sweating, well I guess I can win an oscar for that.

So people, who says there's no light at the end of the tunnel!!! Oh yeah, I just glad that my coach didn't send me to some sort of running competition otherwise I'd have to pray for David Copperfield to make my Bajaj disappear.

credit must be given to the bottled water manufacturer due to effect of sweating during my 'acting period'. You guys should win an oscar for best effect specialist.

Friday, December 09, 2005

You did what?????

Selain terkenal dengan makanan, polusi, macet dan lain lain, Jakarta tuh terkenal banget dengan apa hayo? Hhhm satu lagi...yah almost..still can't guess? Apalagi kalo bukan petty thief alias copet.

Apalagi kalo naik bis kota, hmm jangan harap deh kalo gag ketemu satu. Buat mereka yang udah pro (baca: tiap hari naik bis) pasti udah tau how to spot si copet. Mulai dari cara mereka bawa tas, duduk sampe cara mereka ber'operasi' udah bisa dibaca banget oleh pro-ers ini.

Kebetulan kemarin salah satu temen kantor gue harus ber'interaksi' dengan copet di dalam bis kota. I'm not quite sure yang sial siapa, temen gue atow si copet. Let you be the judge!

Pas kebetulan mo turun di depan kantor, temen gue and her other friend tiba-tiba dikagetkan dengan orang yang teriak,"Mbak-mbak, ada api di kaki" sambil mengibas-ngibas bagian bawah dekat mata kaki dari celana teman gue itu. reflek, temen gue langsung nengok. Dan terus satu orang lagi berdiri dekat pintu kasih komando ke temen gue buat turun, and she did. Pas turun dia liat tas dia kebuka dan tanpa basa basi langsung naik lagi ke bus and did the unthinkable!!! She grab that man's balls and twisted so hard...sambil teriak," Maling..maling". Of course that poor guy was in excruciating pain..can't say a word, just whispered,"Udah turun mbak orangnya". And emang orang-orang pada bilang kalo yang ngambil dah turun. Tapi temen gue won't let him go, sambil masing 'megang' dia periksa ada yang hilang gag. Kebetulan handphone and dompet masih ada. Yang hilang hanya keypad (untuk online transaction) aja yang hilang, which was OK lah. Finally, she let go dan turun lagi dari bis.

Her friend was screaming n told her how nuts she must be for doing that thing. Mungkin dalam hati temen gue, pembalasan lebih kejam dari perbuatan. Sampe di kantor langsung heboh, cerita-cerita and after almost 30 minues suddenly dia teriak,"Ya ampun...aku belum cuci tangan dari tadi!!!!!" Trus langsung deh dia ngibrit ke WC!!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Rest in Peace

Sorry baru update sekarang, soale gue baru balik dari Surabaya. My aunt passed away last friday so we went there on saturday morning. Yang meninggal ini adalah istri dari adiknya nyokap gue. My aunt was 52 years old and succumbed to cancer.

Kebetulan nyokap dan my other aunt udah berangkat dari kamis pagi dan pas kamis malam itu, my dying aunt minta didoakan dengan doa pelepasan. It was a sad moment, although I'm not there physically, I know how hard it must be for my uncle and my cousins.

So, today I pray for my aunt's salvation. The strength for the family she left behind. May God places you on his home in heaven.

"Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. "

Prayer Source: Catholic Family Handbook, The by Rev. George A. Kelly, Random House, Inc., New York, 1959